Saturday, July 16, 2011

Most beautiful place -"Ilam"

Ilam is a municipality and tea-producing town in Nepal. It is in Ilam District which is in hilly Eastern Region of Nepal. It is famous for its natural sceneries and landscapes.
Ilam is a small hilly town with pristine landscapes of sloped tea gardens, thick natural forests, holy sites and unique culure. Ilam offers an excellent getaway from city life for romantic sunrise and sunset, a brisk walk in the tea garden, tranquil picnic and sightseeing spots, short treks along gentle slopes or a trudge into the nearby woods. If spiritual instinct calls there are several holy sites one can visit in and around the area. Thus, Ilam is a much sought after tourist destination for travelers of all kinds. It is also famous all over the world for its special brand Ilam Tea.
 Ilam Bazaar is in Ilam district Mechi Zone. It is approximately 700 kilometers and 18 hour-drive to east of Kathmandu. Daily bus services ply for Ilam from central Bus Station, Gongabu, in Kathmandu. Buses are also available from the major cities. There are flights from Kathmandu to Biratnagar and Bhadrapur from where Ilam can be driven to via Birtamod.The famous Darjeeling city of India isjust 2-hours drive from Pashupatinagar on the Nepal-India border of Ilam district.

Nepali nationals and Indians can commute by the land to India from Pashupatinagar in Ilam. However, this entry/exit poin is for local use and Indian tourists only. Entry and exit from the eastern point for other travelers is allowed from Kakkarbhitta in Jhapa.
The subtropical climate of Ilam ensures good weather throughout the year. The best time to visit Ilam is between October-December, or from April-February. People from different parts of Nepal visit Maipokhari in Ilam for an annual festival on Kartik Ekadasi which falls in October or November.  Thousands visit Mai Beni during Maghe Sankranti which falls in January.
 The main groups residing in Ilam are Brahimins, Chhetris, and Lepchas. A Lepchas is at initial stage at Antu and is in the process of being extended. Antu Danda offers spectacular sunrise, sunset and views of the Himalayas. From 2,328 meters, Antu overlooks Terai flatlands, terraced hills of cash crops, tea gardens and thick forests of pine trees. On a clear day one can see views as far as Mirik, Kurseong and Darjeeling in the adjoining Indian part. Antu Danda is an hour drive from Pashupatinagar and about 3-hours drive from Ilam Bazaar. Home-stay facilities are available at Antu Danda area.


  1. Nice blog with brief description

  2. Namaste

    We are group of students (ilameli group) we are making telephone directory of Ilam district only so we would like to request to all govement, non goverment, ngo, ingo as well as small business to submit there name of form with contact address.
    This totally free of cost
    Please, hurry up.
    Hope every body could help to our mission.

    if you could not submit
    please contact us ""
    and also you feed back that we will published in our webpage

    Ilameli Group
